
Ms. 贝尔面试. 贝尔:大学招生的“好年头”

做圣. 从大学咨询师的角度来看,卢克今年过得不错?
Please don’t get upset because I think you know from my previous interview that I don’t like how you word questions. We don’t think of college counseling from a school perspective; it is about the individual student and their family. So if even one senior was disappointed by their results, it was not a good year. I am uncomfortable when people come into the 大学咨询 Office and tell us that they heard we had a great year and the one disappointed student is sitting there listening to the accolades and fanfare but feeling pretty dejected. 到2024年12月,我们就会知道这一年是否不错. 对我们来说,这与名单无关. 这关系到我们的高年级学生进入大学后的表现. 别忘了,我们是大学预科学校. 7个月后再问我们,我们会给你答案. That dejected senior may be the happiest first-year student in the class!

作为一个体育迷, 我喜欢按运动会分类, 我们从一级学校开始. 

12人将就读行政协调会的学校: Boston College (3), Wake Forest (3), Syracuse (2), and one each at UVA, Notre Dame, UNC, and 杜克大学. I put 杜克大学 last because I am not a fan of the architecture or their sports teams. 我喜欢砖砌的校园和击败杜克大学的球队. 

其中7人将在大东部地区上学; 普罗维登斯大学(5),康涅狄格大学和维拉诺瓦大学各有一所大学. Seven will attend schools in the Patriot League: Colgate (5) and one each at the College of the Holy Cross and Bucknell. 

其中6人将进入常春藤盟校就读; 哈佛大学(2名),普林斯顿大学、康奈尔大学、耶鲁大学和宾夕法尼亚大学各有1名. Five will attend schools in the Big 10: Maryland (2) and one each at Indiana, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 俄亥俄州立大学. 

其中四所学校是PAC 12的一部分: University of Colorado Boulder (2) and one each at UCLA and the 南加州大学.

其中四所学校是美国体育大会的成员学校; 杜兰大学(2名),新大和天普大学各1名. 

第三组别有六所学校参加百周年校庆会议: Franklin and Marshall (2) and one each at Bryn Mawr, Dickinson, Haverford, and Gettysburg. Three will attend NESCAC schools: Middlebury (2) and one at Connecticut College.

是的! 我一直在圣. 卢克被关了16年, 在那段时间里, 我们没有一个学生在奥林工程学院注册, Sewanee, 曼荷莲女子学院为蓝本, 或者圣地亚哥州立大学. 我们很高兴能在办公室挂上一些新横幅.

We didn’t see as many headlines stating that schools had record-breaking application numbers because application numbers are beginning to stabilize, 我们对这些标题越来越不敏感. Hyundai Motor America has seen record-breaking sales each year for the past three years, 然而,这算不上什么大新闻. I think we are all trying to figure out why college application records deserve front-page billing when other records don’t. 

Some schools saw a significant increase in applications and a decrease in acceptance rates, 包括贝茨, 杜克大学, 费尔菲尔德, 利哈伊, 东北, 潘, 大米, 康州大学, URI, UVA, 和耶鲁大学. 

说实话,每个决定都是一个惊喜. 可预测性似乎处于历史最低点. I want to pull my hair out when I hear people who are not admission officers reassuring seniors that they will get into a particular college or university. Unless they are applying to a school with guaranteed admission if students meet certain criteria, 没有保证. 很难估计每年会发生什么. 2014年,费尔菲尔德的录取率为72%. 今年,录取率降至33%. 

最令人惊讶的是今年候选名单的变动幅度. 2021年、2022年和2023年的候选名单变动很少. 但今年,我们看到了异常多的圣. 卢克的高年级学生从候补名单中收到录取通知. 

我不确定, but colleges and universities must have predicted a higher yield this year, 他们的预测是错误的. But colleges may have under-admitted because they wanted to use their waitlists. Some colleges were affected by the delay in the FAFSA though most highly selective schools used the CSS Profile to package students. Colleges and universities could not have predicted the extent of the social and political unrest on their campuses when they set their numbers last spring. That may have affected application and enrollment at some schools but not at others. 而一些学生申请更多的学校, 我们没有看到大学的数量有明显的变化. 卢克的学长申请了. 过去,大学录取决定很难预测. Now colleges are having a tough time predicting which applicants will enroll. 形势有些逆转了. 

让我们回到你关于调动的评论上来. What percentage of students transfer each year, and why do they transfer? 
每年都不一样. 从2022届和2023届开始, 我们有学生转学到美国, 波士顿大学, 棕色(的), 康奈尔大学, 杜克大学, 费尔菲尔德, 圣母大学, 纽约大学, 宾夕法尼亚大学, 南加州大学, 和圣路易斯的华盛顿大学. 路易斯,还有其他几个. 为什么? 一些人想要一个更大的学校, while others wanted to be closer to a city or wanted a school with more academic offerings. A few didn’t get into their “first choice” school when they went through the process as seniors and wanted to give that school another try. Many got into their first choice school and realized it wasn’t the place they thought it was. More than half of the students who talk to us about transferring decide to stay at their schools. The first couple of months aren’t always a great indication of how satisfied a student will be at their school for the next three and half years. 

What advice would you give to families who will be going through this process in the next couple of years?
作为高级院长之一, 我看到了周四开始的现实, 5月23日, when the seniors came to terms with the fact that it was their last day of classes at St. 卢克的. 这显然对他们的系统造成了冲击. 全年, I saw parents of seniors coming to the sad realization that it was the last time they would be cheering on their kids from the sidelines, 拍摄他们在舞台上的表演, 送他们去参加辩论赛, 或者与他们的老师和顾问开会. 我希望每个家庭都能享受高中生活. It goes by quickly, and once kids are out of the house, you can’t recapture those moments. The amount of angst and worry I see related to the college process is not worth it. 在这次采访中, I used words such as “stabilized” as though I were some medical professional talking about an ICU patient’s condition. Even my usage of the word “predictability” is troublesome because this process is not like the stock market, 一个错误的决定可能会让人失去一生的积蓄. This is another phase in their lives in a series of phases that have yet to come. 享受它! 

See 大学咨询 Director Sonia Bell’s first interview with herself on 哨兵

“We had no need to hire an outside college consultant given the strength of college counseling at St. 卢克的.”
- 2024年SLS母级
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